
Politics, Rock Music Gynaecology. Oh, and Sport. And Humour. Sorry, I also meant to say Science, Business & Religion. I'll probably add a few personal notes, experiences, observances, opinions and references to other interesting web locations too. Books, Theatre, Films, Technology, Food and Travel. Did I miss anything?

Friday, December 02, 2005

Other bits of the internet

(Please ignore the date on this post - I created it in February and finally published it in June).

It's time to refer a few other sites and blogs which you might find of interest:

PostSecret is apparently the second most visited blog on the net, so you've probably seen it already. But if you haven't, it's a quirky, often amusing, regularly heartbreaking site. People get to post in their innermost secrets which they want to tell someone but daren't tell anyone close. I always find something that makes me want to hug the person who sent it and tell them that God loves them anyway and that they don't have to feel bad their whole life. I think it says a lot about our lives & relationships that people need this outlet. Maybe Catholics who go to confession don't need it?

This is an amusing blog containing some stories you might otherwise have missed. The strange car names item was particularly appealing!

I love the work of this artist (very reminiscent of Beryl Cook, in my opinion).

My final choice for this selection is one I've been introduced to recently, but is full of wit and has a very inclusive approach to the topics it covers.